Microwave Convection Multigrain Loaf


Method when using Fresh Yeast

  1. Mix by hand until you have a soft, smooth bread dough (8-10min kneading)
  2. Dough Temperature-26°C Approx.
  3. Bulk Ferment for 15 minutes.
  4. Scale and mould as per desired size (normally 400-425g for a medium size moulded sandwich bread
  5. Before proofing the bread spray with water and garnish with seeds and grains as desired (optional)
  6. Proofing time 35-45 minutes at in a warm place approx.  35°C 
  7. Baking Time: 25 minutes in preheated Oven at 220°C (depending on the size of the oven time may vary)
  8. Remove from the oven and cool to room temperature, before slicing the bread

Method when using Dry Yeast

  1. Dissolve the dry yeast in 50ml of warm water to activate it before mixing all the ingredients together
  2. Mix by hand until you have a soft, smooth bread dough (8-10min kneading)
  3. Dough Temperature-26°C Approx.
  4. Bulk Ferment for 20 minutes.
  5. Scale and mould as per desired size (normally 400-425g for a medium size moulded sandwich bread
  6. Before proofing the bread spray with water and garnish with seeds and grains as desired (optional)
  7. Proofing time 40-50 minutes at in a warm place approx.  35°C  until the dough rises to touch the lid of the bread mould
  8. Baking Time: 30 minutes in preheated Oven at 220°C (depending on the size of the oven time may vary)
  9. Remove from the oven and cool to room temperature, before slicing the bread

Microwave Convection Multigrain Loaf

Complexity level:  

Basic recipe to create a Microwave Convection Multigrain Loaf


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